The year you have just come through—2019—turned out to be a surprisingly hard year. In typical Taurus style, however, you took your lumps without complaining, waiting patiently for things to get better.

Now the universe rewards you for your fortitude, along with proof that no difficult trend lasts forever. If the past year shook your confidence, the year 2024 will restore it. With faith in the future and rewards beyond anything you can imagine, you’ll march forward into a whole new year.
Your responsibilities will continue to mount, but you will take them in stride. You will enjoy the stability and the respect you receive from your friends, family and colleagues.
You are stretching your abilities so much that you may feel that you have already lived 100 years—in the good sense, as a wiser person. Jupiter is moving back into Taurus from mid-February through June to crown you the celestial favorite.
This will bring you enormous rewards for hard work, so hang in there. Without a doubt, the year 2024 will be a critical, benchmark year for you, against which you will measure all others.
Don’t be dismayed if at times you swing from the depths of depression (“Nothing I do is good enough and it probably never will be”) to overjoyed optimism (“Later this year, when I am named CEO, I will donate enough money to the hospital for them to name a wing after me”).
This random emotional behavior is a result of Saturn (dour) and Jupiter (cheerful), which are touring Taurus simultaneously. Luckily, you are an earthy Taurus who is able to keep your expectations well grounded.
Yet in addition to having both Jupiter and Saturn in your sign (a headline event in its own right) there is an even bigger aspect coming in May.
It involves a build up of planetary energy in Taurus that is heretofore unseen by the citizens of planet earth. Seven out of ten planets will crowd together in Taurus on May 3-5, 2024, including the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, plus the important new moon. To say you will be leading the pack in 2024 is an understatement.
This event will have long-range ramifications far past those exact dates, and will influence your life in years to come.
The only similar cosmic event the world community has seen in our lifetime was a preponderance of planets in Aquarius on February 4, 1962.
Shortly thereafter, mankind took an adventurous leap forward—Neil Armstrong and his crew made a successful lunar landing several years later. This was not a surprising outcome, because Aquarius rules exploration into uncharted territory (especially related to space) and science and technology.
The sign of Taurus has a different orientation; creature comfort, stability and the full enjoyment of life.
Taurus also rules wealth, land and agriculture, beautiful objects and sensual experiences (art, fine food, wine and music), stocks and bonds, precious metals, and everything related to financial security. In fact, with so much energy in Taurus that week, we may be due for stock market action.
In lieu of experimentation and risk-taking, Taurus values practicality, devotion, stability, loyalty and financial prudence.
Taurus is, after all, one of the great producers and builders of the zodiac. While Taurus loves to make money, he or she also believes in stopping to smell the roses once in a while. This preponderance of planetary energy in your sign will influence everyone to debate what we should do with the technology we already have
. You will want to see life made more livable and enjoyable rather than it becoming a prison of never-ending work that’s open 24/7.
Ironically, Taurus, the sign of the Luddite (computer and techno-phobes), is the one the cosmos has chosen to lead us into the next century.
It is as if the universe is telling us that if Taurus can learn to use computers (and to possibly even love them), the rest of us can, too. Taurus is known to take life as is, without so much as a grain of unnecessary change, but even you will be propelled into action in 2024 and in years to come.
With Uranus on the tiptop of your chart, others will want to follow your leadership.
When so many planets build up in one sign, the taste and style of that sign becomes the fashion of the day. Taurus, get ready to feel very much at home on planet earth.
You are a modest, unassuming sign, and have never been too concerned about whether others regarded you or your opinions as hip or cool.
You shrugged off such questions, knowing you had the right answer in your heart. You may be bewildered to find that all your instincts are exactly right and that much of society is coming around to your point of view, instead of the other way around.
Still, nothing is easy, and when we have the seven-planet build up in Taurus in May 2024, there will be three planets that are left out.
Those are Pluto, Neptune and Uranus. Pluto is not making any significant aspect to the Taurus lineup, which means that Pluto isn’t bothering to speak to this stellium, (a crown of stars in the heavens in one sign) so this planet won’t be troublesome to you.
However, both Uranus and Neptune are angry that they were not invited to this cosmic celebration.
They are both standing at 90-degree angles to this lineup (a very harsh configuration), so they will start to act up.
You will need to be ready to protect your interests against unexpected forces and events (Uranus) and may find that you have to navigate through a confused or unclear atmosphere (Neptune).
These planets seem to be sharpening your resolve and keep you alert. This is good, for often when people are given superb aspects their first inclination is to fall asleep at the wheel.
The ease that Jupiter conjunct the Sun brings to any sign is so delicious when it comes that one can easily fall into a slumber of inactivity, “drunk” on cosmic nectar.
Life gets much more pleasant, and after having Saturn on your Sun in 2019—making you battle both partners and daily life—your relief will be so welcome in the first half of the year that there will be no adjustment necessary.
Uranus and Neptune will give you a caffeine-like rush of energy to strengthen your resolve. You can win in any situation because the cards are so strongly stacked in your favor, but you will have to make an effort.
Like King Arthur entering into battle, you will be called upon to prove your worth and the depth of your determination. A steadfast commitment to your goals will be necessary before you can dream of emerging triumphant.
Weather patterns will be extreme in May’s first week. We could see rain and flooding, seismic activity, mud slides, erupting volcanoes, or tidal waves.
We may even hear of a piece of cosmic debris coming crashing to earth from space (hopefully into the ocean). Landmasses may shift under these conditions or there may be trouble with bridges.
While it will be impossible to know exactly where these events will happen, Taurus rules land, so there is a strong possibility we will be hearing about more than usual of these events.
Taurus also rules real estate and agriculture, so with the challenge of Neptune and Uranus, a related event or two is quite likely.
At the same time, Taurus is the sign most strongly associated with insurance, so being well insured should protect your interests in case of any eventuality.
Others laugh at your insistence on being ready for rainy days and enjoying the sunny ones to the hilt, but you may have the last laugh later. As I said, everyone is coming around to your way of thinking.
You got such a strong workout from relationships in 2019 that some of you may have wondered if you would be better off without one.
Now, now, dear Taurus—not so fast. Last year you had a cranky Mars turning itself on and off. Mars rules Scorpio, and is the ruler of your 7th sector of relationships and close ties. One of these close ties in particular was quite hard to handle—especially true from January to early September 2019 and during the eclipses of late January, mid-February, late-July and mid-August.
The eclipses only exacerbated the problem. You have no such aspects this year. Jupiter is about to move into your Sun sign on February 15 and is set to stay through June. This is marvelous news and virtually guarantees that whatever seeds you plant in your garden during that time will bear fruit.
By that I mean not only will you make amazing career progress, but you may find the kind of love you thought only existed in great literature. You could easily wind up in a soaring love affair—the kind that comes complete with passion and drama and makes your friends a bit envious.
Taurus is not generally known for this kind of emotional output (you are more reserved), but as I said earlier, 2024 changes everything. At this point you can’t even imagine this happening, but conditions are shifting. One of your best periods this year will be during the first week of July, when you can transform your most romantic dreams into reality.
A romance during any year would be an improvement over the partnership strife and struggle you experienced in early- to mid-2019.
Who could have guessed events would take such an upbeat turn? Undoubtedly you’ve learned a great deal about human nature and will apply your wisdom masterfully to your present (or future) close relationship, whether it be a personal or business alliance.
If you are a Taurus born in April, watch February 11-14 for the culmination of a current relationship situation. Taurus born in May will feel the full moon March 20 more powerfully. For Taurus looking for love, the new moon on August 29 will be a gift from heaven, with a glamorous episode as a bonus.
Ask friends for introductions to potential new love interests. Your banner month for love is October 2024, when you may find yourself getting married or, at the very least, exchanging promises and making plans. Married Taurus may even start knitting baby booties. For all Taurus, married or single, a richer and more settled emotional life is certainly in store.
Money & Career
Just when you thought all the big professional shocks were behind you, career news on or around February 6 causes tremors strong enough for you to sit up and take notice.
Keep in mind that you will benefit from the fluidity of your professional situation at this time, so try to remain flexible and open to change (not generally Taurus traits). High technology will continue to change your industry, your job description, and your daily work methods. The sooner you go digital the faster you will harness the available cosmic energy and complete your transformation.
The events of mid-September bring poetic justice to anyone who thought you were a flash in the pan. That’s when you leave competitors in the dust and are proclaimed the visionary of your department, company or industry.
More career success arrives in mid-November. Meanwhile, your earned income starts a dazzling rise on June 2024, except for some bumps you feel near the November 25 full moon.
The high tech fields of science, technology, computers, medicine and biotechnology, telecommunications, agriculture and bioengineering, and other scientific professions will command your interest and be successful for you.
You will also find that newly mainstream practices like homeopathic medicine and astrology will also be fertile professional ground. In 2024 you will have an opportunity to forge into completely new areas in your career, because Uranus is busy opening doors for you.
With the power of the eclipses behind you, the offers you receive may be irresistible—and represent changes of a lifetime. Years from now you will see how right you were to grab that brass ring.
When Jupiter enters your 2nd sector of income in July 2024 you will begin a full year of financial abundance. 2024 is one of your most important years for earning a great salary. Employers will be generous, and you will have proof that all your hard work means something.
But wait—there’s more reason to be upbeat. Uranus is the planet that has been causing so much change on your work front for several years and Uranus still has more to do. Pluto will be in a perfect angle to Uranus, and when any planet is combined favorably with Pluto the results are amazingly good.
Pluto has been settled in your 8th sector of shared resources for many years, indicating the possibility that your bonus, commission or royalty would be quite substantial. You could get venture capital with these aspects.
Pluto working with Uranus can overcome incredible obstacles and even make someone quite famous, provided that Uranus is on the mid-heaven apex point of the chart—and this is where Uranus happens to be for you and only you.
The high level of attention you receive from your peers, VIP’s and even the adoring public could occur in your industry or even in the world at large. You hold the cosmic wild cards—how you play them is up to you.
All the eclipses were on the power-angles of your chart in 2019, causing major upheavals in your career and possibly your home. It was plain to see that one way of life was fading away while a new one was beginning.
There is still no time to get nostalgic—nor do you want to—because the future is turning out to be more fascinating than any fantasy you could have dreamed up. This situation continues, and may even increase in intensity.
While you would be happy to lose the crazy atmosphere surrounding your job, industry, and home life, you are learning to live with a bit of chaos. In fact you may even realize that you owe some measure of success to this helter-skelter, fluid atmosphere.
There are six eclipses in 2024—a big number, but not all eclipses are created equal. The ones in Aquarius and Leo are hardest to take, and those are the ones that you’ve had to bear over the past 18 months.
We have two more of those on January 21 and February 5, which will bring additional shifts in your work life (especially to those of you born April 21) and home life (to those of you born May 6). Think of the eclipses as clarifiers that are guiding you toward your true career role by pointing out your strengths and weaknesses.
Even enforced changes will be valuable now, as they will speed up the process of you getting to know yourself better. Taurus tends to be too conciliatory at times, and too much of a conformist, but you are trying to break that habit. The pressure you feel will focus on your talents and how you differentiate yourself from others—you will have no choice but to follow this.
Much to your surprise, you will find that your idiosyncrasies are prized and encouraged because the universe is telling you to be yourself.
The later eclipses on July 1 and 16 will move into Cancer and Capricorn—far more congenial signs for you.
July 31 will host a partial eclipse in Leo, which indicates more shifts for you at home. Finally, on Christmas Day 2024, the final eclipse will occur in Capricorn. Eclipses in Capricorn will encourage you to travel and expand your mind.
After suffering through a pretty constricting year in 2019, you probably crave variety and carefree spontaneity. Although you’ll stay close to home for much of the year you’ll also double your fun. July is your big travel month, although long-distance travel is more likely in December near the holidays.
During the later part of the year you may finally get to visit a far-away locale—perhaps walking on the soil of a different continent for the very first time. Don’t plan a trip near July 31, when a residential change, project, or renovation will require your close attention.
2020 is also the year when you may choose to get serious about earning an advanced degree or certification from a professional institution.
During this expansive period of Cancer and Capricorn eclipses you may notice that your spirituality is growing, too. You may choose to study theology, philosophy, or your own religion more deeply. This is further proof you are becoming a more thoughtful, well-rounded individual.
So, dear Taurus, you are standing on the threshold of your breakthrough year. 2024 is filled with potential, and it will be a year to remember.
What you choose to do with these opportunities is up to you. While you will have challenges, those challenges will serve to strengthen your resolve and help you find your true destiny.
This year is far better than the last, and filled with hope and promise. If you are determined to have love, money and career success, you can find it now. Taurus, this year has your name written all over it!