Apart from the pure joy and enjoyment it provides, we all play WoW to earn cool achievements and be rewarded with snazzy titles. Furthermore, it feels wonderful and fulfilling when we achieve high rankings and much better when we are among the best.
As a result, Blizzard created the RBG Rating – a rating reserved for only the greatest. You’ll learn exactly what it is, how to get it, and how it can help you in this guide.
What is RBG?

RBG stands for Rated Battlegrounds, a variation of conventional battlegrounds in which only the best battle it out. RBG is a type of Player vs. Player battle style in which each group of ten heroes fights against each other. Furthermore, you must continue to fight and do so intelligently in order to improve your status and rating. To be more specific, if your group defeats, say, a group with a better rating, you will get more.
The converse is also true: fighting a group with lesser stats will result in you receiving fewer points. So, in order to genuinely dominate in “Rated Battlegrounds,” you’ll need a great tactical mode and above-average team collaboration. Finish by stating that your team must have a strong leader and that each individual member must be capable of working alone.
Furthermore, joining an RBG battle isn’t as simple as lining up and picking who to fight with. Finding a group to play with is now a difficult endeavor, and it becomes even more difficult if you are not a member of a guild or other organization.
You can, however, identify some players or groups who are in a comparable position to you as a beginner. There are also RBG boosts, which are buyable rating boosts that will give you the required rating, and we’ll go over those in more detail later such as https://buy-boost.com/wow/wow-rbg.
How To Join A-Rated Battleground?

You cannot queue for a rated battleground without being a part of a group at any level. A-rated battleground can only be queued for by a preset raid group; however, you can request to join any raid group that is forming, and you do not have to be a member of the guild planning the raid or any other organization to do so (such as an arena team). However, there are some advantages to joining a rated battleground group that is largely made up of guild members.
Guilds that form rated battleground raids will be rewarded for their efforts. To benefit, at least 80% of the raid must be made up of guild members — in other words, 8 out of 10 players in a 10v10 battleground must be from your guild. Participating in a rated battleground with a “guild raid” of this type will earn your guild experience, allowing PvP guilds to level up by participating in rated battlegrounds.
What is RBG Rating?

When you win rated battlegrounds, your character’s rating in the battlegrounds rises. This score begins at zero and rises during your Rated Battlegrounds career.
After each PVP season, this score is recalculated. If you are among the top 0.5 percent of players at the end of each PVP season, you will be awarded the title Hero of the Horde/Alliance, as well as an amazing 100% ground mount.
Ranked battlegrounds are mostly about participation, so if you play enough, you can get ranks of up to 2k very quickly. Rated Battleground ranks and MMVs interact at a basic level. If you lose a match and your MMV is higher than your map rank, you won’t lose any rank other than the arena rank. If you lose a match and your MMV is below the map rank, you will lose part of your rank.
When you join a winning-rated battleground, your character earns Conquest Points. The maximum amount you can earn is a weekly cap calculated based on your progress in the previous week, and a week in Ranked Battlegrounds runs from Tuesday to Tuesday. Conquest Points can be used to reward a variety of epic gear, including items of all classes with very good PvP traits.
What are Conquest Points?

After the first few weeks of introducing the new map ranking system, Blizzard realized that players had no incentive to continue playing the map once they reached the week’s maximum Conquest Points.
While some players naturally continue to play for challenge and fun, many don’t, so the number of players in the pool decreases after the middle of the week (or how long it takes for most players to reach their conquest cap). Evaluation field battles do not run after a long queue or after a while.
To alter this, Blizzard came with a new system. When a character reaches their Conquest limit, they will start earning Honor instead, and there is no limit to the amount of Honor they can earn in a week, which will motivate people to keep playing the Rated Battlegrounds. This makes the PvP scene more vivid with more teams and different styles and helps everyone stay active on the battlefield.
Obtaining these titles is undoubtedly difficult, but certain online boost options are highly recommended. These enhancements will prepare you for RBG and place you among a group of renowned players that have a lot of expertise with the game.
Additionally, employ some of these boosters or level up your game to obtain these titles and receive crazy-awesome goodies. To clarify, gather a group of serious and mature gamers, or RBG champions, and level up your hero before beginning the RBG mode. Also, set aside some time to learn new tactics, moves, or strategies, or at the very least witness them in RBG mode from professionals.