Do you love your puppy? Of course, you do! But do you know what your puppy loves? If your guess is food, you are right to a certain extent but there is something more to it. They are toys. Very few people realize the love of their pups towards toys and give them their most beloved toys. Do you know that dog trainers use food and toys as rewards while training dogs? That’s how significant and attractive toys are for dogs.
It is important to buy and use toys for dogs at least occasionally both for training purposes and usually or regularly. Professional trainers have the appropriate knowledge about how to use these toys in their dog training sessions. But you aren’t one, are you? Some people train their own dogs by seeking expert help and guidance. It is a good method too because it reinforces the relationship between dogs and their owners but using rewards during training is a tough nut to crack. If you have been struggling with the same, then this guide is personalized exactly for you.
Most people never really focus on buying toys for their dogs. But if you have to go out and buy some now, what would you like to choose? Are you clueless? Because there is very little information available and knowledge about the same. There are also very few shops that sell the same. If only there is a dedicated store for dog toys or even everything dog, that would be highly helpful. has all that you exactly need for your dog.
How to use toys as rewards in dog training?
Use different types of toys

Toys used for dogs and produced for dogs are entirely different from toys specifically manufactured for other purposes or kids. Be careful while choosing toys for your dogs. Pick a variety of toys from each section. The store people usually know the purpose and utility of different dog toys. So, do not hesitate to take their assistance. Frisbees and throws one common and most important toy for your dogs.
Food toys or bone toys, to be specific, are a great reward. They can be helpful to make the toys understand the language and build a rapport. So, take a clear look and understand the purpose of each toy before buying them. From food toys to wearables, there is a whole range to choose from. So the choice is all yours.
Train them
Even dog trainers use toys to train the dogs and make them understand the actions and instructions of both trainers and the dog owners. Dog trainers do not just train the dogs but their owners too. It helps both the dogs and owners to build a rapport among themselves.
Toys, thus, are used as both rewards and props in this entire process. If you are training your dog on your own, it is going to be a tough journey forward but consistency is the key to success. Let the dog understand the value of rewards and what reward it is going to get for a certain action.
Toy’s value

Dog toys possess an immense value when it comes to the training process especially. While some dog toys can be used for any purpose, some other toys are used only during training. The dog trainer or the owner should first understand this difference and value before anything else. It is mandatory to use particular toys for only their specific purpose, value, and meaning.
Be consistent with your cues
It is difficult at the beginning for the dog to understand your instructions. It is equally difficult for you as an unprofessional trainer to make them understand your instructions. However, nothing is impossible with practice and consistency.
You can take the help of a professional or even from the internet. This is where toys jump in to help you because this toy rewarding system is a great way to make your dogs understand the entire thing.
Choose the right toys

As has been mentioned above, there are different types of toys that are available for dogs. Although people advise you to choose particular toys from each section, it is not the right strategy. You need to be well aware of the situation and the training process. Do you know how and in what way professional dog trainers train your dog?
Then acquire enough knowledge about that because only then would you understand the significance of different toys in different ways. There are throws, pull toys, skippings, and many more. Study about each of them to understand both their purpose and incorporate your own creative methods into the training sessions.
Dog’s choice
Do you, as a human, have a choice for things you choose or the way you behave? Similarly, dogs have certain ways of things they do and choose. You need to be active and observant enough in catching their natural reflexes and preferences.
While some dogs are active at catching the Frisbees, some other dogs just prefer to pull and tug toys. Which one does your dog like? So, observe the behavior and buy and use toys that your dog likes and prefers moreover all the others. It may seem like a tough task but understanding a dog’s behavior and capturing its reflexes is the easiest thing for both professionals and owners as well.
Training your dog is an art, which you can master over time with patience and practice. There are certain things that simplify the entire process. Those are food and toys. But using food all the time may not be as fruitful as everyone makes it sound. For example, the dog may be tummyfull sometimes, what do you do then?
Hence, toys are a good replacement. However, the above mentioned methods are just a few ways of using toys as a rewarding method to train your dog. Yes, you can use toys, dog toys to be precise while training your dog. Start implementing the suggestions and you can see the results within a week.