Today you are going to learn everything about how to powerwash your driveway and how often. The answer, of course, is that it depends on a lot of factors: your climate, the color of your driveway, what kind of car you have, if you have pets, and so on. For example, if you live in an area with lots of pollen or dust (or both), then you’ll want to powerwash your driveway more frequently than if you live in an area with less pollen or dust (or both). And if your driveway is a lighter color, like beige or tan, then it will show dirt more easily than a darker color like black or green. A good rule of thumb is to powerwash your driveway once a month during the spring and summer, and two or three times a year during fall and winter.
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Different ways to powerwash your driveway

1. Slippery
You know those times you’re driving along and you get to a big hill on the road, and you can’t make it up without slipping? Well, if that’s happening, then it’s time for you to powerwash your driveway!
We’re not going to lie—power washing your driveway isn’t always as simple as it sounds. It can be dangerous, because water + electricity = bad news. But these few tips that will help you power wash your driveway safely and effectively.
First things first, pick a day when your whole neighborhood is having a cookout or a party. That way, when the fire department comes rushing over to put out your burning house (because your power washer made a spark), at least there will be plenty of people around to keep them company while they wait for the paramedics to arrive with the defibrillator.
Next: wear shoes that you don’t mind getting wet. But also wear shoes that are easy to slip off in case there is any water on the ground. Because last thing you want is to slip on a wet shoe. Have you ever slipped on something wet? It’s really, really unpleasant.
2. Climate and environment

There are a lot of reasons to powerwash your driveway, depending on the climate and environment in which you live. In a dry climate, for instance, the sun can bake oil and grime into the surface of your driveway, and it can get really slippery when wet. So if you’re afraid of falling down and breaking a hip, then powerwashing is for you! Or if you have kids who want to ride their scooters or skateboard or roller blade on the pavement of your parking lot, then powerwashing will make your kids safer.
Power Washing will also help keep your driveway in good shape. Sandblasting can help remove stains that are caused by rusting pipes or fertilizer chemicals coming in contact with your concrete. Additionally, if your city has an ordinance against having tall grass growing in your front yard (or a pesky neighbor who calls code enforcement when it does), then power washing can help keep the weeds at bay by regularly removing dirt, dead leaves, and other small particles that can fertilize plants as they blow across your property line.
3. Stains
Wipe out those unsightly stains! So, it’s come to this: you can’t take it anymore. All those stains are getting to you. You’re about to ditch your driveway and move the car into the garage because you just can’t be bothered anymore with constantly trying to bleach the stains off your driveway. Don’t let the stains win! Powerwash them. away!Power Washing is easy, inexpensive, and is a one-time fix that will restore your driveway to its former glory. You’re going to love what a powerwash will do for you!
4. Traffic

We don’t know when the last time you power washed your driveway was, but if you want more people to come over to your house for dinner, you might want to consider scheduling another powerwash soon. The best way to get more traffic in your house is by having a clean driveway. Here’s how it works:
When people drive up and see that your driveway is clean and easy to walk on, they’ll feel like they’re in a well-kept home. This will make them confident that their visit will go smoothly, and maybe even leave a positive impression about you and your family for future visits.
Uncle Joe won’t be able to keep his hands off of that new grill you got him for Christmas (or whatever holiday it is), and he’ll definitely tell his friends about it. When his friends come over, instead of having to worry about not slipping on the driveway, they’ll have so much fun grilling and socializing that they won’t even notice what a great job you did cleaning it!
That’s just the beginning, though. Everyone who comes over will be so impressed with the cleanliness of your home that they’ll want to recommend your place as well.
So, you’ve got this driveway. It’s a little dingy. You’re wondering if now is the right time to powerwash your driveway? Well, here is this important thing about power washing your own driveway and then you can decide for yourself.
Power Washing my own driveway was not an easy decision for me to make. Most people who have ever had a power washer have thought about using it on their own driveways at least once, just to see what it would look like. But no one wants to look like a scrubber, so they keep putting it off.
Here’s the thing: Driveways are tough because if they aren’t done right, they can look worse than before you started. So, the sooner you do it, the better it is.