
Marathon training on the treadmill

The treadmill is a good alternative to outdoor running when you want to get quality training during cold and icy winter days. Here are some tips on the treadmill pass which gives good effect for your marathon training.

Mid December, darkness, severe weather and unsafe ground. This time of year is perhaps the most bookable to get to the race. That’s why I thought about two passes to run on a treadmill. Because sometimes when it is so really sad outside it can be so worth it to put on a pair of light shoes, shorts and linen and thunder a passport indoors.

When running on treadmills you can easily put some extra focus on training parts of your running technique. Scan through and make yourself aware of your footing, feel how you raise your knees, how your heel kicks work, how your hip is positioned, how your arm pendulum moves and that your posture is good.

When running the passport, make sure you know how to stop the tape and how to jump off it on the sides if you need, so that you feel confident in what you can do if you get tired and want to stop quickly.

If you are going to run one of the passports I suggest below, then you should hop on and off in the rest and then it can be nice to be able to keep track of how you do it smoothly.

To emulate natural resistance, I recommend a slope of 1-1.5 percent.

  • Pass 1: Interval ladder
  • Purpose: To learn to run fast when you are tired.
  • Heating: 10 min slow jog


5 minutes in your estimated half-marathon speed (here you have no experience with which you can hitch a little until you learn your different speeds)

  • 1 min rest
  • 4 min in your estimated mileage
  • 1 min rest
  • 2 min in your estimated 5 km speed
  • rest 2 min – and then repeat the whole lap again
  • Downwind: 10 min slow jog

Pass 2: Progressive distance 10 km

Purpose: To improve your fitness and oxygen uptake. Here the goal is to run with increasing speed every kilometer.

Plan: Start slowly for the first 2 km, then raise the tempo one snap at each km. A snap can be about 5-7sec / km.

If you are a runner with an approximate time of 50 min on a 10 km run it may be reasonable to aim to go from 6:00 min / km to 5:00 min / km on the last km.

This is just a simple guideline, test yourself to find the right pace and degree of challenge. Running progressively on a treadmill makes you better at controlling your speed, which is of great benefit in all running training.

So, here you have suggestions on what to do if you simply don’t feel the urge to spend.

Variety satisfies and gives results so don’t be too bullshit but make sure to take advantage of the treadmill at times when the outdoor running feels too complicated. Soon it will be ours anyway? Or?

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