Is Hell Real? – Basic ideas
People all over the world wonder: “Is hell real?”. Can there really be a physical place for torment and the punishment of fire that is stated in the Bible? Only three out of 10 adults (31%) see hell as a real place: “a place of physical torment where people will be sent” 1. This article answers the common questions about hell and its existence. Since the Bible is the basis of the doctrine of hell, you will see that this material refers to it and is quoted from it.
Is Hell Real? – Why was he created?
The question ‘why is hell there?’ Has bugged many people over the years. Countless people have asked themselves, “If God is so good, why did he create a place like hell?” . The answer seems simple enough – places like hell and prisons exist because of people who will choose to do bad things, and because they do this, they need to be punished. It is relatively easy to understand how this reasoning applies to the existence of prisons, but does it really apply to hell?
In the biblical account of Creation, found in the book of Genesis, no mention is made of a place called hell. Whatever God did during Creation was good. However, the Bible tells us in Matthew 25:41 that hell was prepared later “for the devil and his angels” (see also Isaiah 14:12). God did not create hell for man; His intention was never for any man or woman to go to hell. In 2 Peter 3: 9 we learn that God desires that “no one should be saved, but all should come to repentance.”
What is hell? Hell is a real place. We know this from many verses in the Bible, some of them said by Jesus Himself; and we know that the wicked and the wicked will go there after they die. So, again we return to the main point that God is good, and life in hell is terrible; then why did God create such a place? Even if hell was initially created for Satan and his angels who fell with him, there will be men and women in hell as well.
Is Hell Real? Hell is a place of eternal separation from God, and people go there after they die because they chose to separate from God during their lifetime on earth. God has made us free to make our own choices, and our separation or separation from God is one of the choices we are free to make. Our free will is a wonderful gift from God by which He does not force us to love or follow Him. Without our free will, we will be nothing more than puppets or robots; But that is not what God wants from us, and this could not make our lives better.
While God wants everyone to choose to love Him, some people will choose not to. These people will die in their sins and be separated from God forever in hell. Many would say that this is not right and that a loving God would never establish such a system; however, it is precisely God’s love for us and the fact that He is perfectly righteous tells us why hell exists and why people will go there. God loves us so much that he respects our freedom of choice. If we choose not to love Him, then why would we be forced to live with Him eternally in heaven? Is living forever with someone we don’t love isn’t hell anyway? God wants to save these people who do not love Him from living with Him and submitting to His leadership for eternity.
When asked “Is Hell Real?” A lot of people answer “no”. These people like to believe that after they die, they will not go to heaven or hell, but simply cease to exist. However, wouldn’t there be a God who sends us to death in non-existence as “cruel” as the one who allows us to freely choose our own destiny, be this and hell? Even atheist Friedrich Nietzsche said that he would rather choose eternal conscious suffering than non-existence.
The perfect justice of God demands that there be a hell where the ungodly and wicked are punished among us. As Walter Martin said of the existence of hell and eternal punishment in his book, The Cult Cult: “They talk a lot about the God who is Love, but forget that it is precisely because He is Dragose, it is also Right and he must demand eternal revenge over those who tread on the precious blood of Christ, who is the Lamb stabbed for sinners lost from the foundation of the world. ”
What kind of loving God would He be if the wicked were not punished? Why would He send His Son to die for our sins, if we could reject this redemption and in the end not pay the price? What incentive would we have to do good and to love God if we know that we can reject His Son, can we choose to do evil all our lives and never be punished? We certainly would not want such a lack of justice on the streets of our villages and cities. Then why should we not expect God to reward every man in the entire universe?
Is anyone forced to go there?
Is Hell Real? Yes, hell is real, and God wants no one to go there. It is His desire that all may go to Him in heaven; however, God cannot leave everyone in heaven. Heaven is a perfect place and God is perfect, so if they would leave sinners in heaven without covering their sins, they would be consumed by His perfection. A loving God does not want to destroy anyone; so He prepared a perfect plan of redemption, in which, as a perfect and holy God, he came to earth in human nature, Jesus Christ, and died to cover our sins. If we choose Jesus Christ as our cover, we can enter heaven without being consumed. But if we do not choose Jesus Christ, God in His infinite love and mercy, He will not let us enter heaven and be consumed. Instead, He has prepared a place of separation from Him, where sinners can walk without being consumed. That place is hell.
God loves us and that is why He has given us many gifts. Two of the most important gifts He has given us are free will and salvation through grace through His Son, Jesus Christ. He has given us the free will to choose to love Him and to choose not to sin; then He gave us His Son to redeem us from the wrong choices we made. If we chose not to love God and also reject His Son, who was sent to redeem us from the wrong choices, what else can God do? In His infinite love and righteousness, He must allow us the freedom to make the wrong choices and to bear their consequences, and the consequence of those choices is eternal separation from Him in hell. Revelation 20:15: “Whoever was not found in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”
Nobody has to go to hell. God has given us a guaranteed plan to stay away from hell – redemption through His Son, Jesus Christ. All we have to do is follow this plan, and nothing can separate us from Him.
What will hell look like? The doctrine of hell
If hell is real, then what will he look like for those who go there? Several times in the Bible, Jesus speaks of the reality of hell and darkness outside. He describes it as a burning furnace. He also said that in hell there will be mourning, crying and grinding of teeth. Matthew 8:12 says, “and the children of the Kingdom shall be cast out into the outer darkness, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” The book of Revelation and Nostradamus describes hell as a pond of fire and fire.
At the end of the age, the devil himself will be cast into hell to receive his punishment. Revelation 20:10 says that torment will last day and night for ever and ever.