Personal Finance

How to ask for a raise when you are underpaid

A lot of professionals work on wages that are below the level they could get. If you consider yourself among them, it is time to consider the demand for a salary increase.

That is the crisis is generally not an excuse for companies to reject such requests. Sure, wage increases in this period will not be as big, but that does not change the fact that they are often justified.

Beyond justification, what is in my coaching activity is that the style of talking when you ask for a salary increase can make all the difference in the world to the extent you get it or not. Here are five key principles to effectively request a raise.

1. Establish a special discussion

A salary raise request is not in a discussion with your lift manager, or among 10 other discussion points at a meeting. It’s an important thing even more, it’s a thing that involves tortures, explanations, negotiations, all the time consuming issues.

So when you decide to ask for a salary increase, talk to your boss and ask him to schedule a half-hour meeting to discuss some important issues about your future career. At this meeting, having the time and attention of your manager, you have the right environment to ask for and discuss a salary increase.

2. Do not invoke the need

One of the worst reasons and (the culmination) most often used to justify a raise is raising financial needs. There are things like, “I have a baby now and I can not handle the money anymore.”

Your financial needs are not the job of the employer and will not be treated as such. An employer does not have the task of doing charity work with his employees. He is pragmatic, he needs to see that giving you a salary increase is in his interest. Forget your needs and put the problem in the perspective of the employer’s needs.

3. Invoke value added

The best way to motivate a wage increase request is based on your added value as an employee for the company. Actually, what you want to show to your employer is that your current salary is somewhat below the level of benefits the employer gets from having you as an employee.

And another higher salary would be appropriate to the value you add to the company. Taking the discussion so, you have a practical approach, starting from the premise “after deed and reward”. A premise that is hard to ignore by the employer.

4. Know the salaries in the market

Eventually, in the salary discussion, you will invoke or be offered an amount deemed appropriate for your value as an employee. But this amount is market-related, which is essential to know.

Basically, you need to realize, at the economic level in the market, how much you earn a professional at your level of competence, with your work and responsibilities, in a company similar to the one you work in. Knowing this, you can hold the discussion in a realistic way to get a salary well correlated with what’s going on in the market.

5. Ask. Just ask

A very common reason why many employees, even though they are talking about wage growth, fail to get the salary they know they deserve is the fact they do not really ask. When the time comes to say “I want a $ X salary,” they fast.

This means they invoke their value as employees, competencies, results, but they do not get to say what they want. And this makes the employer believe that you are not sure of yourself, which gives him the confidence not to give you the marriage you want. This is why it is essential to even ask.

Getting a raise is often a challenge. In order to cope better with it, not only is it important to understand the principles that it operates and to apply, but also to be a good communicator who knows how to put his foot in the threshold with a tactful dose, too. get what he wants. And this is an ability that takes hold over time, through consistent practice.

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